I chose to create a presentation on the type of equipment i have access to and the choices i might make when it comes to filming my actual music video. I created a page on what equipment i would use when filming my music video and then what software i would use to edit it. This has allowed me to think about the technical side of my project and begin planning how i might techically create my music video.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Equipment hire
This is a scan of a piece of paper i have filled in in order to prove that I am taking out these pieces of equipment to film my music video. This is used as evidence that i have responsibility over this technology and must return it after half term (which is when i plan to film my music video). This presents organisational skills and also ability to comit to deadlines for my music video filming to be completed by half term. I have chosen to use equipment from the media department as i want my product to look as professional as possible, so want to use the best technology available and take advantage of the resources i am given access to.
Magazine Advert - Pencil Draft
This was a paper draft of my magazine front cover that I created. I did this as i feel it is important to get a general idea of what you aim to create before creating it in order for it to look professional. After drawing this, i decided i might actually prefer to have the artists name above the photo and then underneath the name of the album "People Help the People" and the release date "30th June". This is a very simplistic design that will obviously be tweaked when i actually create it using Adobe Photoshop, however, i feel that this covers all the typical conventions as well as keeping in house style with my plan for my digipak. And also providing all the essential information needed to advertise Birdy. I even decided to have ratings from all the newspapers, as i feel this will be an important element for people looking to buy the album or song, purely because they will trust others viewpoints. I decided that i would quite like to have the artist playing some sort of intrument, and the picture will be in a sepia tone, in order to keep in form with my music video visual style. I feel the use of an instrument, like the acustic or piano, will reflect the actual tone and atmosphere of the artist.
Monday, 22 October 2012
Diary #19
Today i have completed my music theory research. I decided to look into the theorist Andrew Goodwin as he has some interesting concepts on how audiences use and perceive music videos. Not only did this further my knowledge on music videos and the industry itself, but it also gave me an insight on what aspects are important to think about when creating my music video, for example the technical elements that audiences look out for and what i should do with them in order to make a successful music video.
Another thing i did was the structure of my music video, in the form of a timeline. This appeared to be more helpful that i expected. This is because it allowed me to make a clear table of which shots will be used in my video and when. Although this had already been considered in the form of a story board, I created a structure in this way as it made it clear to me what parts of the narrative will be used and how long each of those sequences should be. For example, by creating this, i discovered that my reverse shot editing should be 40 seconds, although the shots add up to at least 1.17 seconds, i must put a speed up effect on them, in order to crunch that down to 40.
Another thing i did was the structure of my music video, in the form of a timeline. This appeared to be more helpful that i expected. This is because it allowed me to make a clear table of which shots will be used in my video and when. Although this had already been considered in the form of a story board, I created a structure in this way as it made it clear to me what parts of the narrative will be used and how long each of those sequences should be. For example, by creating this, i discovered that my reverse shot editing should be 40 seconds, although the shots add up to at least 1.17 seconds, i must put a speed up effect on them, in order to crunch that down to 40.
Structure for Music Video - Timeline
This is the structure to my music video, in the form of a timeline. In order to create this, i used my story board, and listened to the song i will be using in my music video countless times, in order to make sure that each section is where it should be. This will be very helpful when editing my music video, as i can refer back to it if i find it difficult to fit all my shots into my video running time of 4.13.
This is the structure to my music video, in the form of a timeline. In order to create this, i used my story board, and listened to the song i will be using in my music video countless times, in order to make sure that each section is where it should be. This will be very helpful when editing my music video, as i can refer back to it if i find it difficult to fit all my shots into my video running time of 4.13.
This is my research into the music theorist Andrew Goodwin. I decided to do this as it has given me an insight into what i should be thinking about when creating my music video. It also has provided me with knowledge on what audiences notice most when watching videos, helping me to think about whats important when creating my own.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Audience Questionnaire
Audience Questionnaire I decided i would create an audience questionnaire, this is because i feel that i should gather as much information about my target audience's views Indie Folk music and their music videos, in order to inspire me when filming my own. The aim of my production is to make a video that is appealing to my target audience, Therefore it is essential that I research into what my audience are looking for when watching music videos of Indie Folk genre...
Diary #18
For the last couple of lessons I have been concentrating on my story board. This is what i will use to guide me when doing my actual film shoot for my music video. I am very happy with the shots I have come up with, however i have no doubt that when actually filming my music video I will think of other creative shots and angles to experiment with. For example, i might see the sunlight beaming through the trees and decide to add that to my music video, however i can not put that on my story board yet as i do not know what the weather conditions will be like on the filming day.
To create my story board i printed 15 story board templates. Under each photo i have drawn i have written: the length of the shot (most ranging between 2-3 seconds), what is happening in the shot (so when it comes to filming i know how to direct my actor), the type of shot (for example, long shot), the angle of the shot (for example low angle) the type of movement in the shot (for example tracking, panning etc...) and also the sound (the song, sirens, breaks of the car).
To ensure the shots i drew fit into my indie/alternative folk genre I watched the actual video of "People help the people" - Birdy (which is the song I'm using in my music video). After watching this i had inspiration about using slow motion in a lot of my shots, to make the video less jumpy and more smooth and graceful, like the artist. However, when watching it i realised it is completely different to my idea, which i like a lot as it makes me feel as though my narrative is completely original.
Another thing i did when creating my story board was listen to the song over and over again. I would look at the length of the shots i had created and count as the song played. This allowed me to have a rough acknowledgment of how long each shot needs to be, and how far along in the song i was. This enabled me to create enough shots to fill the length of the song.
To create my story board i printed 15 story board templates. Under each photo i have drawn i have written: the length of the shot (most ranging between 2-3 seconds), what is happening in the shot (so when it comes to filming i know how to direct my actor), the type of shot (for example, long shot), the angle of the shot (for example low angle) the type of movement in the shot (for example tracking, panning etc...) and also the sound (the song, sirens, breaks of the car).
To ensure the shots i drew fit into my indie/alternative folk genre I watched the actual video of "People help the people" - Birdy (which is the song I'm using in my music video). After watching this i had inspiration about using slow motion in a lot of my shots, to make the video less jumpy and more smooth and graceful, like the artist. However, when watching it i realised it is completely different to my idea, which i like a lot as it makes me feel as though my narrative is completely original.
Another thing i did when creating my story board was listen to the song over and over again. I would look at the length of the shots i had created and count as the song played. This allowed me to have a rough acknowledgment of how long each shot needs to be, and how far along in the song i was. This enabled me to create enough shots to fill the length of the song.
I decided it was essential to create a story board before shooting my music video. This is because it will set a guideline of what shots i should be aiming to get when filming my music video.It will ensure i do not forget anything important, and will also help me to remember the order of my story line. Some of the shots should be on a "wish list" for instance, the sunrise at the beginning of the shot. This is because it might not be completely possible to get the shot, for example, lack of time, equipment troubles, weather conditions, time consumption etc. However, i have still put it on my story board as this is how i would like my narrative to appear. Although, it is very unlikely i will have this order as my final cut of the music video, as when in the location i might find other things i am interested in shooting for example, locations that might look visually pleasing on camera, animals i might see etc... But overall, this is my rough guideline and final narrative plot.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Diary #17
Today I have been thinking about my locations, after taking a trip to Reading as part of my reasearch, I am positive that is where i want to set my music video. The beautiful country lanes, secluded forests and large cottages make it an ideal place to shoot an Idie Folk music video. It fits the critiria perfectly, as well as giving me inspiration for possible shots i could take as an extra.
I created a prezi showing my main three locations for my music video. In this includes: the cottage, the country lanes, forests (haughurst hill). This helps to show what sort of feel i want my music video to have. As well as giving me a visual to work with for my story boarding.
I created a prezi showing my main three locations for my music video. In this includes: the cottage, the country lanes, forests (haughurst hill). This helps to show what sort of feel i want my music video to have. As well as giving me a visual to work with for my story boarding.
Diary #17
This week i have created a health and safety plan. This is basically a sheet that has a list of potential risks. I will bring this with me when shooting, to ensure that i am prepared for any particular halt or problem that may occur whilst filming. And example of this is if there is extremely bad weather on the day, this will make the atmosphere and general concept of my music video difficult to portray. I then went through steps i could do to change this: check the weather of the film date, bring umbrellas, so that if it does begin to rain equiptment does not get damaged etc...
Another thing i have been doing this week is thinking about mise en scene. I had to plan what my main artost would be wearing, as this will be the person shown the most in my music video. My inspiration were women from the 50's that had a fashionable sense of style, such as Bridgitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Anne Baxter:

To do so, i went home and looked through my wardrobe for clothes that are most believable to have been worn in the fifties. I think my findings were very good. I founs a selection of blouses, dresses, shirts and a skirt. In terms of shoes i found two pairs of boots, and a pair of caramel brown loafers with tassles. Shoes will have to be determined on the day, as with all the clothes, as depending on the weather, I will have to decide what is most appropriate, as most of the filming will be done outside.
Another thing i have been doing this week is thinking about mise en scene. I had to plan what my main artost would be wearing, as this will be the person shown the most in my music video. My inspiration were women from the 50's that had a fashionable sense of style, such as Bridgitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Anne Baxter:
To do so, i went home and looked through my wardrobe for clothes that are most believable to have been worn in the fifties. I think my findings were very good. I founs a selection of blouses, dresses, shirts and a skirt. In terms of shoes i found two pairs of boots, and a pair of caramel brown loafers with tassles. Shoes will have to be determined on the day, as with all the clothes, as depending on the weather, I will have to decide what is most appropriate, as most of the filming will be done outside.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Monday, 1 October 2012
Diary #16
Today i completed my first planning design for my digipak. First i drew a rough sketch on A4 paper of the four pages i wish to use withing my digipak. I experimented with design, by including a gold photo frame around the front and back page. I feel this will be effective as it will help to make my artist's image vintage and historic, which is what i wish to do.
I looked online at the type of photo frame i wish to use, and got an idea using google images. However, this is not my final design. I plan to make another planning design. This is because i feel i might be able to come up with a better idea, perhaps after creating my music video i will have shots i wish to use.
I looked online at the type of photo frame i wish to use, and got an idea using google images. However, this is not my final design. I plan to make another planning design. This is because i feel i might be able to come up with a better idea, perhaps after creating my music video i will have shots i wish to use.
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